Sif Jakobs Jewellery
Ponte Vecchio

About Me

About Me:

My name is Stuart Goldsmith and I’m from London. After studying languages at Cambridge I came to Italy to teach English. After a year in Trieste, I moved to Florence where I was attracted by the fashion world. I worked for a British company researching new areas for growth and eventually set up my own Buying Office called Reflections Italia sourcing and controlling production for the well-known UK and French brands.

At first, I concentrated on shoes and clothing visiting hundreds of factories, workshops, and artisans here in Italy. I then gravitated to accessories and finally  Jewelry. It’s difficult to think of another ‘product’ that has such a fascinating past, present, and future.  Many of the great Renaissance artists started out their careers under a master Jeweler and some of their techniques are still used today.

Why Florence?

Florence is the center of the Renaissance movement and lives and breathes Culture, Art, and Creative Artisans. The Florentines inherited the art of Jewelry making from the Etruscans and the Ponte Vecchio became the home for the Jewelry artisans which attracted the rich from all over Europe.

Today the Jewelry industry is much more democratic but can be both overcommercial and overpriced. I shall try and inform you, with my team, about the ethical, well-designed, and tell you a few stories about the local artisans.

Check out: Jewellery Reflections Introduction

If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear from you:

Sif Jakobs Jewellery